HKD Diamond Laboratories Canada reports are based upon subjective opinion. All reports contain characteristics described on the day set forth by which HKD examined under 10x magnification via fully corrected loupe and binocular microscope, master colour diamonds, diamond Colorimeter, electronic carat balance, Leverage Gauge, synthetic screening devices, and or any other device(s) available in the laboratory during time of examination.
Cut grade is derived by using an electronic cut grading proportion scope. Plot symbols are based on key identifying characteristic(s) that determines the Clarity grade.
Grading results can vary at the time of re-examination or between examiners as gem and diamond grading is a subjective process. As a result, a single clarity, colour and cut grade is subject to tolerance amongst comparable trained gemologists and appraisers.
HKD reports should be used as a subjective guide and should not be used as a means for a purchase decision or as an offer to purchase.
Each report provides a description of the article(s) set upon the examination date and is not valid after any alteration(s) made to the article(s) mentioned.
The weights of all stones mounted are estimated by gauge unless otherwise noted.
The following treatments are assumed to be present in loose or mounted coloured stones, unless otherwise stated:
(i) Heat Treatments, (ii) Oiling, (iii) Resin, Flux, Glass Filling Treatments, (iv) Stable Irradiation, (v) Diffusion, and (vi) Dying and Bleaching.
Treatment(s) found in loose coloured stones are determined by the use of gemological equipment and advance spectrometers available in the laboratory at the time of grading. i.e. Heat Treatment, Heat with Light Elements (such as Beryllium), Diffusion etc.
The origin of a coloured gemstone is determined by the presence of internal inclusions which are compared with those from the HKD sample set and of those in current research findings.
HKD Diamond Laboratories Canada acknowledges that:
(I) The statements made in all reports are true and correct in regards to representation of quality and quantity.
(II) Compensation nor the consumption of any sale was contingent on the basis of any report.
(III) Every effort is made to grade diamonds and gemstones in each report as accurately as possible within normal and reasonable gemological ranges.
HKD Diamond Laboratories Canada assumes no liability with respect to any action that may be taken on the basis of a report. All reports reamain the sole porpert of HKD Diamond Laboratories Canada (Toronto, Canada).
HKD Gemological Laboratories Canada is a division of
HKD Diamond Laboratories Canada (Toronto, Ontario).
© 2006 HKD Diamond Laboratories Canada (Toronto, Ontario)